Sliding Scale
Our minimum (base) fee is $85 per session. Our maximum (full) fee is $125 per session. Most fall somewhere in between. The simple formula determine a per-session fee is $1 per $1K of your household's annual gross. So, if your household's combined annual income is $90K per year, the corresponding fee would be $90 per session. We do our very best to "meet people where they are" financially and otherwise. And we never want to create a hardship for anyone.
Payment is due at the time of service, either by cash, credit/debit card or transfer service such as Venmo, whichever is easiest for you. No checks, please.
A full session is 45-50 minutes. We ask that you give us the courtesy of 24 hours notice for any cancellation. Otherwise you may be charged 50% of your set fee as it is impossible to fill your vacated appointment time without adequate notice.